Jade Elvina Hinder
1 post
Jade Elvina Hinder is a fully fledged unicorn. Her writing is dark and a little f&cked up, but that’s just her. She is a self-pronounced coffee addict who has to have at least 5 coffees throughout the day. Now down to the professional stuff… Urgh, boring! She holds a bachelor’s degree in Creative Writing from the University of Gloucestershire and has a body positivity Instagram page. She has a short story published in Short Fiction Break and a flash fiction in The Pinecone Review. She has a novel written, which is hopefully soon to be published, or she may self-publish through Amazon. She has had a variety of different roles including working at a football stadium, the NHS (her current full-time role), Tesco, Carphone Warehouse and Marks and Spencer. In her spare time, she enjoys attending readings, painting, life drawing and being with her baby brother.