Roxy Arora
2 posts
Roxy Arora is a dentist and writer. Her background in Dentistry juxtaposed with her passion for writing makes her works of literature informative and poignant. Her debut novel, ‘Jihad In My Saffron Garden’ was set against the onset of insurgency in Kashmir. She has written several short stories which have been published in digital magazines. Her story ‘Prabhat, as he was called’ was published by Usawa in December 2022. That has been followed by ‘Vitamin -C for Comfort’ and ‘We Shared Ma,’ which have been published by Kitaab.
Roxy writes from the heart and explores themes like familial relationships and personal growth. She prefers to shed light on various aspects of life using her exposure to various cultures in her formative years.
The author belongs to Jammu and Kashmir and currently resides in Faridabad. Roxy Arora practices Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism which believes in the happiness of self and others. She claims this life changing philosophy has enabled her to bring forth her talents and evolve as an impactful story-teller.