Urmila Bendre
2 posts
Urmila is a Gender Consultant. She holds a Masters’ degree in Law. Her work brings her closer to the issues women face. She recently started exploring her creative world through writing, among other things. Both short story and poem is her expression of the inner world. She is a tri-lingual poet, writing in Hindi, English and Marathi. She now publishes under the name Urmila. Her recent published work include:
Narrow Road; Short Story: “The company we keep” by Urmila Bendre; Page 49;https://neha-paranjpe.medium.com/; Aulos: An Anthology of English Poetry; 2 Poems by Urmila Bendre (Page 158-159); https://www.amazon.com/Aulos-Anthology-Mr-Sabuj-Sarkar/dp/B08C4524ZK
The Indie Blu(e) Publications https/indieblu.net; The Kali Project ; 3 Poems by Urmila (Page 548-552); https://indieblu.net/2021/01/20/the-kali-project-is-published/
The EKL Review Vol 3; Prose (Short Story) “The Veneer” by Urmila Bendre https://eklreview.com/the-veneer/