Short Story: The Lost Tongue A story that stirs memories of home, identity, and exile March 1, 20259 minute read
Poem : Room 1101, Case 6870, A Survivor’s Case History Poem from "It Remains To Be Said in Time, in Wilderness" March 1, 20252 minute read
The Matchbox by Usawa #07 11th February 2025 was celebrated as the International Day of Women and Girls in February 28, 20251 minute read
FICTION ISSUE 10 The Private Farewell Party by Michelle D’Costa rahul hesitantly steps out of his father’s second-hand car, looking at the row 21.12.23byMichelle D’costa11 min
ISSUE 4 NON FICTION Social Media By Manabika An angry queer non-binary face taking up space on your feed matters 23.12.20byManabika1 min
FICTION ISSUE 2 Paro by Madhulika Liddle FIVE MINUTES, SANA was to think later Five minutes, no more Possibly less 14.03.19byMadhulika Liddle1 min
BOOK REVIEWS ISSUE 9 The Freedom of Those Million Evenings: Review By Kabir Deb Astutely translated volume of poems, which simultaneously preserves and enriches 24.05.23byKabir Deb5 min