The Matchbox by Usawa #06 How “trad wives” Deny Women The Right To Choose February 3, 20251 minute read
Botanical Short Stories Anthology Priyanka Sacheti shares an excerpt from the Botanical Short Stories Anthology January 31, 20255 minute read
Trad Wives Natasha Ramarathnam describes how “trad wives” deny women the right to choose January 31, 20254 minute read
ISSUE 9 POETRY The Fridge and Other Poems By Arjun Rajendran Look, no more chamadumpas, kovakais or obese baingans Just artisanal pork, bhoot 24.05.23byArjun Rajendran3 min
ISSUE 10 NON FICTION Artists’ representation of the human body by Ruchika Juneja the years of growing up were spent in finding ways to belong and belonging in 31.01.24byRuchika Juneja3 min
FICTION ISSUE 10 The Private Farewell Party by Michelle D’Costa rahul hesitantly steps out of his father’s second-hand car, looking at the row 21.12.23byMichelle D’costa11 min
ISSUE 6 POETRY They Have Carried It Away By Naresh Saxena Look It has fallen in my courtyard Chopped down My Neem tree has fallen 13.11.21byNaresh Saxena1 min