
    By Shahzeb Athar

    After Umar

    A sense of wonder made plain, at Jamia
    Walls of resistance covered in vain, at Jamia

    Libraries shattered, dissent stifled
    and then the oppressed, blamed, at Jamia

    the body of revolution must hold space for empathy
    so witness a willed resistance, aflame, at Jamia

    My dreams are haunted by your not-being
    What you left behind we did reclaim at Jamia

    Architect and poet, Shahzeb Athar is currently studying Architectural and Cultural Heritage at Dessau, far away from his Beloved Delhi. When not working on his thesis, he is planning (read daydreaming about) walks in Delhi, or waxing poetic about whatever seemingly insignificant thing he lays eyes upon. He refers to himself as a Graveyard of Memories, but when asked to describe himself resorts to Ghalib couplets.

    Social Handles:
    Instagram: @atharshahzeb

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