Upcoming Deadlines

    The Ex-Puritan welcomes submissions across all genres—poetry, fiction, non-fiction, and visual art—that engages with the theme of schism in creative and thought-provoking ways. All submissions must be previously unpublished. They are open to simultaneous submissions. Submissions are by email. The deadline for submissions is Thursday, September 19. Find out more here.

    Blackbird publishes book reviews, craft essays, interviews, arts, poetry, fiction, nonfiction and video essays. Translations are welcome so long as permissions have been obtained from the author. They do not accept previously published work. Simultaneous submissions are acceptable so long as they are indicated as such and we are immediately notified upon acceptance elsewhere. Find out more here.
    The Mozhi Prize is a literary fiction translation prize awarded for the translation of short stories from an Indian language into English. Individuals or a team of not more than two translators can apply. This initiative is aimed at discovering emerging translators and hence they ask that you should have published no more than one book-length translation as of the date of submitting your entry. If you have been published in any other form, or are yet to publish, you are welcome to apply. The prize money amounts are INR 50,000 | INR 25,000 | INR 15,000 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Find out more here.

    Two types of Fellowships are offered: a Research Fellowship and an Educator Fellowship. Each will have a budget of up to INR 5,50,000. They will support projects that focus on textile practices in South Asia and may include inquiries into handmade, machine-made, semi-mechanised or digitally produced objects and processes. They are now accepting applications for 2024–25, until 30th September 2024, 11:59 PM IST. FInd out more here.

    Nonprofit Quarterly Magazine is seeking articles written by movement leaders and practitioners in the field that lay out the current state of health innovations, concerns of those working in the field of health, and visions for a socially just, ethical, and responsible direction forward. They are looking for articles, creative writing and art. Their submission period closes on September 30, 2024. Find out more here.

    $1,000 and publication in Boulevard will be awarded to the winning essay by a writer who has not yet published a book of fiction, poetry, or creative non-fiction with a nationally distributed press. The entry fee is $18 for each individual essay, with no limit per author, and includes a one-year subscription. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but previously accepted or published work is ineligible. They are especially interested in nonfiction works that are researched and/or reported such as literary journalism, hybrid essays, etc. Find out more here.